I’ve had some questions about why this blog is titled Revealing Ruth. Whenever we do something new and exciting, people tend to think that if we don’t do it the way that it’s always been done, then it won’t work. Along that line of thinking, most people would expect a single woman’s relationship blog to be named and/or modeled after Proverbs 31, but did you know that The Book of Ruth is heralded as the Bible’s Greatest Love Story?
Our problem is that when we think about love stories, we immediately hop to fairy tale romances and we sensationalize everything, even the bible. Every woman out here wants to market herself as the Proverbs 31 woman. She wants the world to view her as an unstoppable, incomparable force. Someone to be both desired and highly revered, but not many women can truly bear the weight of holding such a post.
The chronically misquoted and misinterpreted 31st chapter of the Book of Proverbs reads, “she wakes with eager hands…bringing food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. Out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously… her lamp does not go out at night. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. [She] does not eat the bread of idleness. MANY WOMEN DO NOBLE THINGS BUT [SHE] SURPASS[ES] THEM ALL.”
There is nothing haphazard or mediocre about this woman. She, like Ruth, is understanding of life and loves' shortcomings. When Naomi said to flee, “for God has dealt bitterly with [her]”, Ruth stood firm. She was committed to the family that she’d built, despite the death of her husband. That is why this blog is named in her honor, because it is her love and commitment that cemented her place in biblical record, and it is her love and commitment through which we can find ourselves in Godly relationship.
People often joke about strife between spouses and their in-laws, but you knew who and what you were marrying. Before you take a leap that was intended to be permanent and end up divorced, consider Ruth. When you are married, understand that what she said to Naomi is true of every husband and wife - “where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried.”
There are so many people with so many reasons for divorce, but the underlying reason is the same – commitment.
You either rushed in, not knowing what you were committing to, or you simply weren’t committed enough to stay.
Before you go out and repeat your mistakes, ask yourself, what are you committed to, understanding that marriage isn’t your next plate at Applebee’s. You can’t substitute your spouse’s faults for your desires the way that you can substitute mashed potatoes for french fries.
Like Ruth, you have to commit to enjoying what you have because there is no such thing as love a la carte.
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